

Family Page

Vital Statistics

The Family Page as Listed in the Windmill Herald,
#1084, December 24, 2007


Henrietta Bierma, Rock Rapids, IA, Oct. 16, 90th; Bill Bode, Lynden, WA, Oct. 14, 90th; Gerrit Boschman, Hamilton, ON, Nov. 10, 90th; Frieda DeBoer, Milton, ON, Dec. 9, 82nd; Jantje Kok, Thunder Bay, ON, Oct. 22, 100th; Henry Mellema, Orange City, IA, Oct. 23, 90th; Fred Slotman, Smithville, ON, Nov. 9, 80th; Andy Struiksma, Lynden, WA, Oct. 27, 85th; Peter VanDerNoord, Dyer, IN, Sep. 25, 90th; Abe J. VanRoekel, Sioux Center, IA, Nov. 3, 90th; Elizabeth (Bep) VanWaveren, Barnwell, AB, Nov. 22, 80th; Hermina Visser, Lynden, WA, Nov. 6, 90th;


BERENDS (TenHove), Ben & Wies, Chilliwack, BC, Nov. 24, 40th; BLOM (VanderWilt), Keith & Karen, Pella, IA, Aug. 28, 50th; BOSSCHER (Droge), James & Angeline, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 2, 60th; BRANDERHORST, Bert & Shirley, Exeter, ON, Dec. 8, 50th; BROBEL, Jo & Diny, Whitby, ON, Nov. 3, 60th; COOK (Terwilliger), Kenneth & Joane, Howard City, MI, Oct. 11, 50th; DEBOER (VanOort), John & Hilly, Agassiz, BC, Oct. 29, 50th; DEBOER (Hoek), Mike & Ann, Chatham, ON, Nov. 20, 50th; DEJONG (Kuiper), Marvin & Delores, Orange City, IA, Nov. 5, 50th; DEJONG (VandeGuchte), Norman & Wilma, Byron Center, MI, Oct. 25, 50th; DEJONG (Dreise), Dick & Maria, Brighton, ON, Oct. 26, 50th; DEKKER (Linde), Tom & Jenny, Sr. Ann’s, ON, Oct. 26, 55th; DOOD (Coleman), Clarence & Virginia, Cedar Springs, MI, Oct. 9, 65th; DENING, John & Ruly, Edmonton, AB, Nov. 21, 55th; DYKSTRA (DeBoer), Ron & Maritha, Surrey, BC, Nov. 11, 40th; FENNEMA (Hollander), Hendrik & Jantina, Langley, BC, Nov. 28, 60th; FLOKSTRA (Linde), Frank (Farines) & Henny, Abbotsford, BC, Dec. 8, 40th; HEERSINK, Gerrit & Iefke, Peterborough, ON, Nov. 10, 50th; HESSELS (Doggen), Tim & Anna, Wellandport, ON, Nov. 13, 55th; JANSEN (Visser), John & Sylvia, Newmarket, ON, Dec. 8, 50th; KRANENDONK (Versteeg), Dirk & Trudy, High River, AB, Dec. 18, 50th; KRANENDONK, Tony & Margo, Copetown, ON, Dec. 1, 40th; KUIPERS (Hoekwater), Don & Carol, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 18, 50th; MEINDERTSMA (Lieffers), Mike & Carol, Traverse City, MI, Sep. 14, 50th; MOES (Schipper), Albert & Annie, Strathroy, ON, Oct. 21, 60th; NYKAMP (Koert), Mel & Winn, Zeeland, MI, Sep. 27, 50th; PLUMERT (Luttikhuizen), William & Mary, Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 18, 50th; POST (VanPelt), John & Lina, St. Thomas, ON, Dec. 20, 50th; ROSKAM (Schelling), Gerrit & Emma, Sioux Center, IA, Dec. 2, 60th; RUMPH (VanMinnen), Jake & Teresa, Ancaster, ON, Nov. 16, 50th; SAMPLONIUS, Gerald & Wilma, Strathroy, ON, Nov. 8, 50th; SCHAFER (Wisse), Bill & Elsie, Jenison, MI, Oct. 19, 50th; SLINGERLAND (VandenBerg), William & Teuni, Picture Butte, AB, Nov. 13, 45th; SMEDING (Blokzijl), Arend & Johanna, Langley, BC, Oct. 22, 60th; STELPSTRA (Renkema), Wieger (Bill) & Johanna (Joop), Simcoe, ON, Dec. 7, 55th; VANBEEK (VanVoorst), Marvin & Jeanette, Alvord, IA, Nov. 21, 50th; VANDEBYL (Apsey), William & Virginia, Ada, MI, Oct. 16, 70th; VANDEKOPPLE (Phillips), Roger & Wilma, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 23, 60th; VANDERHYDE (Alfen), Arthur & Remona, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 9, 70th; VANDERJAGT (Holleman), Peter & Dorothy, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 21, 60th; VANEEUWEN (VanderPloeg), Bob & Ruth, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 18, 50th; VANZANTE, Bill & Louise, Pella, IA, Oct. 27, 60th; VERDOORN, Tony & Ann, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 27, 65th; WESTERMAN (Meinema), Harold & Nellie, Port Perry, ON, Dec. 23, 40th; WIELENGA, James & Ann, Hull, IA, Oct. 17, 55th; YONKER (Bosma), Peter & Bette, Holland, MI, Oct. 24, 50th


Dustin Bakker, son of Mark & Lavonne, Rock Valley, IA, Oct. 10, 23; Barbara J. Berkompas (Natte), widow of Melvin, Jenison, MI, Oct. 6, 70; Lynn Bierma, Orange City, IA, Oct. 15, 85; Klaas Bouwknegt, widower of Jantje (Smit), Aylmer, ON, Nov. 7, 91; Arie Breed, husband of Ria (Vaanholt), London, ON, Sep. 25, 63; Delma Broek (Schuiteman), wife of John B., Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 16, 79; Janet Buteyn (Leys), widow of Peter, Zeeland, MI, Oct. 15, 92; Gerritje “Grace” Danen (VanHarn), widow of Hendrik, Sarnia, ON, Oct. 11, 74; Harold DeGraaff, husband of Shirley (Stuckenbruck), Rock Valley, IA, Oct. 23, 85; Pieter DeJong, MD, widower of Sylvia (McLaughlin), Burlington, ON, Oct. 25, 87; Janet Sylvia DeVries, Dresden, ON, Oct. 8, 47; Ellen DeVries, widow of Henry, Rock Valley, IA, Oct. 18, 90; Tillie DeWeerdt, widow of John, Little Rock, IA, Oct. 11, 94; Alyda Elizabeth Donkersloot (Kraayenbrink), wife of Raymond, Brandon, SD, Oct. 20, 87; Charles Driesenga, husband of Gail (Timmer), Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 16, 55; Betty Droog (Haak), widow of Dalton “Dal”, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 13, 78; Jacqueline Dykema, widow of Floyd, Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 15, 79; Pamela Jane Dykstra, wife of Ken, Cambridge, ON, Oct. 23, 44; Leroy Peter Fonkert, Sheldon, IA, Oct. 12, 60; Leona Gertruda Geerdes (Korthals), widow of James, George, IA, Oct. 14, 74; Henry Goslinga, husband of Martha (Dorhout, VanderPlas), previously widower of Dorothy E. (VanSchepen), Orange City, IA, Oct. 18, 81; Helene Groelsema, widow of William, Grandville, MI, Oct. 13, 90; Jan Derk Haalboom, widower of Marianne (Allmaier), b. Lunteren, GL, / d. Kitchener, ON, Oct. 26, 92; Peter (Petrus) Hamming, widower of Jane (Burgler), Maple Ridge, BC, Oct. 27, 89; Marilee Hendricks, Lynden, WA, Oct. 27, 60; Dorothy Hielkema (Schutt), wife of Henry, Sibley, IA, Oct. 15, 82; Cora Hol (Jonker), wife of Evert J., Knoxville, IA, Oct. 11, 87; John Hooghiem, husband of Levina (Dixhoorn), St. Thomas, ON, Oct. 17, 69; Tony Hooyer, husband of Lois (VanderLugt), Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 25, 78; Betty J. Huyser, widow of Ward, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 15, 83; Wayne Clarence Kiers, husband of Tess (DeJong), Victoria, BC, Oct. 19, 59; Jay L. Klap, husband of Kay, Allendale, MI, Oct. 17, 81; Orrie Burdette Kleinheksel Sr., widower of Eleanor (Olson), Jacksonville, AR, Oct. 14, 92; Betty Jean Kleinhesselink, wife of Gary Lee, Orange City, IA, Oct. 10, 62; Dr. Anthony R. Kooiker, Orange City, IA, Oct. 18, 87; Henry Kuiper, husband of Jennie Marie (Schimmel), Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 16, 83; Anthony Frederick Langstraat, husband of Sylvia (Klyn, VanderMolen), previously widower of Marie (Kamerick), Pella, IA, Oct. 3, 85; Colin Cornelius Lodder, son of Cor & Janine, Carman, MB, Oct. 16, 21; Karen Quinn Molenaar, wife of Bernie, Thamesford, ON, Nov. 19, 45; Grace Modderman, Marne, MI, Oct. 10, 90; Kornelia (Corrie) Nywening (Sikma), Strathroy, ON, Oct. 1, 71; Rose Oele, wife of Adrian, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 12, 87; Mary Christine Olsthoorn (VanVeen), wife of Henry, London, ON, Oct. 4, 74; Gerritdena (Geraldine) Oostra (Niezink), wife of Richard, b. Hellendoorn, OV, / d. Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 26, 88; Marian Penninga, widow of Adrian, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 9, 86; Sidney Postma, widower of Anne, Lynden, WA, Oct. 22, 92; Sidney Junior Postma, husband of Helen, Byron Center, MI, Oct. 10, 72; William “Bill” Reekers, husband of Helen (Hosch), Sheldon, IA, Oct. 14, 99; Walter Riewald, husband of Doris, Walker, MI, Oct. 14, 87; Helen S. Roersma, widow of Clarence, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 17, 93; Johanna Rozeboom (Wolfswinkel), widow of Art, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 11, 93; Annie May Salverda (Woods), widow of Pier, Hamilton, ON, Oct. 23, 82; Geuchien “Gary” Schipper, widower of Alice (Oldengarm), Grimsby, ON, Oct. 18, 87; Hessel Henderikus Albert Roelof Scholtmeijer, widower of Audrey Marian (Kent), b. Groningen, GR, / d. Richmond, BC, Nov. 4, 89; Bernice Schrotenboer, widow of Dr. P.G., Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 16, 86; Mildred Schutt (Vermeer), widow of Gerald, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 2, 85; Lawrence “Larry” George Steen, Burlington, ON, Oct. 23, 67; Tieme (Tim) Steenbergen, widower of Ann (Rudolph), b. Koekange, DR, / d. Abbotsford, BC, Oct. 24, 85; Gale (Geesje) Steensma (Germs), wife of Ron, London, ON, Oct. 16, 62; William H. (Bill) Stehouwer, widower of Marie (VanRavensway), Zeeland, MI, Oct. 17, 96; Keimpe (Ken) Struiksma, husband of Rita (Prenger), Hamilton, ON, Oct. 25, 77; Ethel Swets (Leestma), widow of Rev. W., Holland, MI, Oct. 6, 95; Hattie TeGrotenhuis, widow of Willard, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 8, 101; Alverna TenHave (Dozeman), widow of Louis, Jenison, MI, Oct. 18, 81; Matilda Viola TerHorst (Plender), widow of William John, previously widow of Arie Bloemendaal, Orange City, IA, Oct. 5, 87; Rena TerWee, Rock Rapids, IA, Sep. 30, 69; Erma Leona Tibboel (VanZante), widwo of Frank, Prairie City, IA, Oct. 5, 89; Edward Wallace Uittenbogaard, husband of Henrietta (Meendering), George, IA, Sep. 30, 89; Athemar VanBraeckel, husband of Rose (DeMeese), London, ON, Nov. 9, 75; William Theodore “Bill” VandeLoo, husband of Mary (Willems), London, ON, Oct. 1, 89; Robert Maria VandenNieuwenhuizen (Meijer), widow of Arnold, Watford, ON, Nov. 6, 95; Arie VanderHoek Jr., husband of Winnie (Groen), Lynden, WA, Oct. 10, 87; Leland Roy VanderLinden, husband of Betty (Heemsbergen), Pella, IA, Sep. 17, 88; Margaret Emma VanderPlas, widow of William, Fenton, MI, Oct. 6, 92; Hillechien (Hillie) VanderWal (VanderSpoel), widow of Frederik (Freek), Winkler, MB, Nov. 27, 85; Bert J. VanderWeyst, London, ON, Nov. 7, 72; Gerrit M. “Gary” VanderWilt, husband of Muriel (Noteboom, Blankers), previously widower of Eunice (Jouwstra), Sheldon, IA, Oct. 16, 76; Gladys VanDiepen, wife of Harry, London, ON, Nov. 9, 82; Martin VanGeffen Jr., husband of Rita (VanStraaten), Strathroy, ON, Sep. 25, 57; Johanna VanGeffen, widow of Theodorus, London, ON, Nov. 15, 91; Cornelia “Cora” VanKlompenburg (Stander), widow of Henry, Orange City, IA, Oct. 22, 100; Adelard Robert VanPraet, husband of Joanne Elizabeth (Gillier), Chatham, ON, Oct. 15, 56; Klazina Johanna VanRikxoort, widow of Kees, North Vancouver, BC, Oct. 20, 85; Hendrikje Van’t Voort, widow of Arie (Harry), Wallaceburg, ON, Nov. 1, 94; Johanna “Jo” VanVliet, wife of Stanley, Sheldon, IA, Oct. 12, 86; Anna L. Veeninga, widow of Ray, Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 12, 83; Gerard W. Verheul, husband of Janny, b. Java, NEI, / d. Richmond, BC, Oct. 18, 78; Peter Verkley, widower of Gezina (Stokman), Strathroy, ON, Oct. 15, 88; Helena (Leny) Vermue (Koot), wife of Henk, London, ON, Oct. 3, 71; Lynda Sue Vugteveen, wife of Steve, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 4, 51; Howard “Hub” Wabeke, husband of Cornelia, Hudsonville, MI, Oct. 12, 85; Leonard Warmelink, widower of Alice, Allendale, MI, Oct. 16, 94; Arnold Weersma, widower of Ruth, Grand Rapids, MI, Oct. 18, 91; Robert “Bob” Wayne Wegter, husband of C. Diane (Vass), previously widower of Charlene Kay (Hymans), Pella, IA, Sep. 29, 66; Dr. William R. “Bill” Wichert, Flint, MI, Oct. 8, 64; Hermina Wynia (Franken), wife of Louis, Sioux Center, IA, Oct. 25, 87; Edward Zuidema, widower of Lee, Jenison, MI, Oct. 16, 91;