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Grijs geheugen, 1304 data Grijs geheugen, 1304 data

De geschiedenis van Nederland en Vlaanderen

by Vandenbroucke, Dieter, & de Weijer, J.

The authors aim to generate interest in Dutch and Flemish history by building up knowledge of facts about dates, names and places. This book is the first one of a three-volume series on the distant past of the Netherlands and Flanders, roughly the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. The concept of 'Grijs geheugen' (literally Grey Memory) has a double meaning. 'Grijs' could suggest foggy, distant but is in fact one of the pennames (Stoker, Raoul Chapkis and Battus are the others) for Dutch columnist and information scholar Hugo Brandt Corstius who introduces this collection of events of the past in this book. The 1304 historical facts of this part of Europe are listed chronologically, starting at 57 BC through early 2002 AD.

Paperback, 232 pages, Dutch language, special import

USD 9.95 / CAD 13.95

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