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Het Groene Hart
by Martin Kers (photos), text by Herman Vuijsje
The so-called 'Green Heart of the Netherlands' is a tranquil landscape with many surprises, has an expansive landscape and is home to many historic villages and cities. The authors extol this beautiful central Dutch region, roughly ringed by Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht. They also show what threathens its beauty. Photographer Martin Kers captured all breathtaking images in the book while publicist Herman Vuijsje takes the viewer on a discovery tour of the landscape. He has a thematic approach to a range of subjects, including the soft peat soil meadows, waterways, cities and rural areas, hobby farmers, to name the important ones.
Paperback, 144 pages, Illustrated, coffee table format. Dutch language, special import Limited supply.
USD 18.95 / CAD 24.95