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Leaving Home Forever
by De Vries, Klaas and Reindert
Were they the reconnaissance men sent to ‘spy’ out Canada for the settlement of Dutch labourers? Klaas and Reindert de Vries, two young bachelor brothers from poverty stricken Jubbega, Friesland wrote the story of their journey to this great unknown land for all to read... and to follow. The account received plenty of attention back home, leading a group of 68 people to follow them to Winnipeg in the Canadian West in 1893. The De Vries brothers initially searched out two 1880s upperclass Dutch settlers, namely Henri Rudolph Roosmale Nepvue and Fredrik Robbert Insinger, the latter already an elected official in 1892.
Paperback, 63 pages, Twenty photographs and illustrations
USD 11.95 / CAD 14.95