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Overijssels Watersnood
Een heruitgave van het verslag van de ramp van 1825
by Ter Pelkwijk, J
Back in the Fall of 1824 and January 1825, storm after storm had significantly raised the water levels in the rivers that cut through the Netherlands on their way to the North Sea and the inland sea, the Zuiderzee. By early February the situation became desperate. A northwestern storm, coinciding with a classic spring tide, pressed huge volumes of water against the soggy and weakened dikes around the Zuiderzee. During the night of February 4, the dikes gave way and were breached at numerous points along the coast and the rivers. Huge areas of Friesland, Overijssel, Drenthe and North Holland became inundated. This book examines the effects of the flood in Overijssel, area by area, detailing both heroic rescue attempts and loss of life, per family. The struggle for survival by many also is told vividly. Drawn from official reports and from questionnaires, the author as well quantifies the losses of livestock and property statistically. The book is a goldmine for genealogists with an interest in that region.
Hardcover, 237 pages, illustrated, index, fold-out map of affected region, special import, text in Dutch. Limited supply.
USD 22.95 / CAD 29.95