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Uit den ash kolk der vergetelheid
Geschiedenis van de stad Hasselt 1252-2002
by Mooijweer, Jos, Coster, Wim
A memorable 18th century quote, in essence "From the ash heap of oblivion" makes for the title of this book which highlights Hasselt's 750 years of history. While the first two centuries largely remain on that ash heap, the other centuries certainly make up for it. Many historical aspects of Hasselt's society receive attention in a separate section in this book. The small city on a river bank, on the provincial scene regularly was at odds with large neighbour Zwolle. Hasselt long waged battles to be heard in Overijssel. In recent decades, the city particularly benefitted from Zwolle's growth. In 2001, Hasselt merged with neighbouring municipalities into a much larger district of Zwartewaterland.
Hardcover, 392 pages, Illustrated, historical bibliography, notes, index, Dutch language.
USD 22.95 / CAD 29.95