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Duizend Dagen Indie
by Wolters-van Trigt, Inge and Visser, Tom
The editors of this book formatted the 1945-1948 diary of shock trooper Jan van Trigt, a WWII resistance man who volunteered for the Dutch army following the liberation of the Netherlands, to join the Regiment Stoottroepen Prins Bernhard.He and thousands of other soldiers were sent to the United Kingdom for training and then via Singapore to the Dutch East Indies where he was stationed on Celebes, Bali and Sumatra, in all an absence from the Netherlands of nearly three years.He regularly recorded his experiences and impressions during his entire period away from the country, including the Battle of Palembang and the First ‘Politionele’ campaign. Personal experiences, waiting and boredom, life’s triumphs great and small, and the drama of decolonization continually jump to fore in the book. The book provides a frank first-hand insight into this very challenging and extremely dangerous period. Well over 5,000 soldiers lost their lives in the Indies between 1946 and 1963 - about which fellow comrades, husbands, fathers and grandfathers could often never bring themselves to talk or write about.
Paperback, 403 pages, Dutch text. Illustrated, names’ list, and historical glossary, Special Import,
USD 19.95 / CAD 24.95