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Leven in Blankenham
Een Overijsselse plattelandsgemeenschap in het tijdvak 1650-1850
by De Graaf, Ton
Why introduce a history book on a local Dutch village to a North American Dutch-reading audience? This volume, Life in Blankenham is one of two, Vergeten levens. Geschiedenissen van het Sallandse land (Forgotten Lives. Histories from Salland) is the other, in which the focus is on every day life in these self-sustaining but somewhat isolated communities. With painstaking research, the authors of both volumes provide insight in the way earlier generations lived in numerous communities throughout the region. Author De Graaf based his book on his thesis study for which he laid bare the history of Blankenham, a centuries-old farming village protected by the Zuiderzee dike. How could the village, which pretty well solely relied on dairying, survive problems such as recurring contagious cattle diseases and floods? Giving most attention to the period between 1650 and 1850, he examines church life, water control, health and elderly care, education, farming and developments in the local demographics and economy. Particularly interesting for those with roots in Blankenham are the farm and field names.
Paperback, 306 pages, Illustrated, 1832 farm and field names and owners/renters, index, special import, Dutch language
USD 22.95 / CAD 29.95